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What is the best to make bird feeders squirrel proof - squirrel proof bird feeders

Posted by MEezwan at Wednesday, July 23, 2008
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So many people hate when all bird seeds are been emptying by squirrels. Many ways have been applied by bird lovers to make squirrel proof bird feeders. Question is? Are their methods really making it? Let’s take a look how they make squirrel proof bird feeders.

How to Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders?

Answer 1
Buy special squirrel proof bird feeders like Broome squirrel-Buster Plus and Droll Yankees Yankee Whipper.

Answer 2
It is important to know how the feeder is mounted and if the squirrels are climbing up a post or jumping from above. If they are not climbing a post, about the only thing you can do is move the feeder. If the feeder is mounted on a post away from overhead access, you can cover about 36 inches of the post with aluminum or any metal that the squirrel cannot get its claws into to climb. Make sure the metal is high enough up that the squirrel cannot jump higher and get a hold above it.

Answer 3
Putting chili pepper flakes will help keep them away from the feed. Make a steel box that was probably 20" deep, put that upside down on top of the pole, and then secure the feeder to the top. They can climb the pole but then can't get around the box. For this to work though, your feeder has to be away from the trees, since they can jump onto it.

Answer 4
A piece of PVC pipe slipped over the pole on freestanding feeders works well. It is slick and they cannot climb it. Needs to be 4 or 5 feet high.

Answer 5
Buy that one with weight sensitive spinning wheel. Only squirrels will be thrown off.

Answer 6
Use an electric fence for livestock. They don't go near the pole, just clean up the ground around it.

Answer 7
The location of your bird feeder is very important. Make sure your bird feeder is well made-It’s all about quality. The best place for a bird feeder is out in the open, at least ten feet from any tree branch, deck or any other squirrel launching object. Make sure your bird feeder is hung in a safe place.

The squirrel proof tube bird feeder is both functional and beautiful. Used as the post on which a bird feeder is mounted, it makes it impossible for squirrels to get any traction.

Answer 8
Whether your feeder is on a pole or suspended by rope lather it down with WD 40, cooking oil or lard, you can also place Cheyenne pepper and chili powder in the seed, it does not bother the birds but squirrels hate it.

Answer 9
Put SAFFLOWER seed in the feeder. Squirrels do NOT eat safflower seed, but birds love it.

Answer 10
We have a lot of very sly squirrels in our area as well and we've found that if we hang the bird feeder from wire they can't get to it. Just make sure that the wire is at least 12 - 18 inches long and this should solve your problem.

Answer 11
Never put them in or by trees and make sure to put it up very high on a pole that squirrels or any other animal can’t climb

Answer 12
Stand and guard it

Answer 13
Squirrels are intelligent. Just feed them. Make squirrel feeders.

So what is the best for you to make squirrel proof bird feeders?

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Determined Little Squirrel! (Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders)

Posted by MEezwan at Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders - Let See how squirrel get bird food!

“Yes, I have found food! Who are so kind put this food here?

“Why they make so difficult for me to get the food. But never mind I can get it!”

“I’ll try till I get it!”

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Posted by MEezwan at Friday, July 11, 2008
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Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders - Do you like birds? Do you love watching the birds and filling their feeders? I’m sure you have! But do you enjoy the squirrel emptying them out? When you're trying to attract wild birds to your bird feeder, the last thing you need is a squirrel eating all of the bird food. If squirrels have a chance to eat the bird food, they will.

For this reason, squirrel proof bird feeders eventually pay for themselves, making a purchase of one very sensible. Squirrel proof bird feeders are great way to keep your friends (bird) happy all year. Every year we put out bird seed and every year the bird feeders that are not squirrel proof bird feeders attract some unwanted visitors especially squirrel. Squirrel proof bird feeders allow for birds only to access the bird seed inside avoiding squirrel to steal it.

Many squirrel proof bird feeders use squirrel baffles to block squirrel from climbing up the bird feeder pole. Other hanging bird feeders use a different strategy. A mechanism is used that is sensitive to weight, so if something as heavy as a squirrel climbs on the bird feeder, the mechanism is activated and blocks the squirrel from eating the food.

When you are choosing a squirrel proof bird feeders there are few options to think about. You need to choose if you want a hanging bird feeder, a platform bird feeder, window bird feeder, or a suet bird feeder. Whatever your bird feeder choice, there are squirrel proof bird feeders of that style.

There are different features of squirrel proof bird feeders. Some hanging squirrel proof bird feeders will have a weight-activated system to protect the seed inside. These squirrel proof bird feeders may also be double-sided to feed more birds at a time.

Some platform squirrel proof bird feeders may have a mesh so that the seeds fall through the mesh and the bird can peck the seeds through, but squirrels can not get their hands through the holes.

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders Designs – There is now many new bird feeders made to deter squirrels. They can be broken down into several basics types:

1) Cage Type – They come with a metal cage around the feeder
2) Spring Loaded Type – These either slide down or close down by reacting to the squirrel’s weight on the feeding perches
3) Motorized Type – Some begin to spin to throw the squirrel off, which again react to a squirrel’s weight
4) Roller Type – These roll over when a squirrel get on the feeder to get the squirrel off
5) Collapsible Perch Type – Some of these can even be adjusted to deter several large bags such as Grackles

Choose the best squirrel proof bird feeders that fit your budget. Squirrel proof bird feeders also a great way to protect your bird seed from being eaten by other animals

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders