Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders
What is squirrel proof bird feeders? Squirrel proof bird feeder is a ways to get rid squirrels in your feeder. When there is a bird seed or food, there will be squirrels whether they are welcome or not. Not only squirrel, bird feeders also tend to attract other animals as well. This includes chipmunks and an assortment of small rodents. If you want to make sure the wild birds get feed, you will have to look at squirrel proof bird feeders. Best way to get rid this squirrel is by using Yankee Droll. Here are some type of Yankee Droll.
1.Droll Yankees Yankee Tipper Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Yankee Tipper is a squirrel proof tray feeder. The Tipper features four seed ports with a 10" diameter weight sensitive feeding tray. The large tray encourages cardinals and small songbirds to eat, but prevents grey squirrels from feeding. The feeding tray is calibrated to hold the weight of up to four cardinals (app. 8 oz) to allow multiple birds to feed simultaneously. The metal cap prevents squirrels from reaching seed from the feeder top. An internal baffle design keeps seed flowing freely to the ports. The clear feeder reservoir is made of UV stabilized polycarbonate for long lasting durability without yellowing. The cap and feeder base are midnight black powder coated metal. Hang the Tipper from its looped stainless steel wire for secure hanging and to reduce motion.
Birds that use this feeder: blackbirds, cardinals, chickadees, doves, finches, flickers, goldfinches, grackles, grosbeaks, jays, juncos, kinglets, mockingbirds, nuthatches, redpolls, siskins, sparrows, starlings, titmice, towhees, woodpeckers, and wrens 2.Droll Yankees Yankee Whipper Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
The Yankee Whipper is a squirrel proof and bird selective feeder. The Whipper features four seed ports with individual weight sensitive perches. The curved perch positioning encourages cardinals and small songbirds to eat, but prevents all squirrels from feeding. Each perch is individually sprung and calibrated for birds up to the weight of a cardinal (app. 2 oz). The metal cap prevents squirrels from reaching seed from the feeder top. An internal baffle design keeps seed flowing freely to the ports. The clear feeder reservoir is made of UV stabilized polycarbonate for long lasting durability without yellowing. The cap and feeder base are evening blue powder coated metal. Hang the Whipper from its looped stainless steel wire for secure hanging and to reduce motion.
Birds that use this feeder: Cardinals, chickadees, finches, goldfinches, grosbeaks, juncos, kinglets, nuthatches, redpolls, siskins, sparrows, titmice, woodpeckers, and wrens 3. Droll Yankees Yankee Dipper Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
The Yankee Dipper is a squirrel proof and bird selective feeder. The Dipper features four seed ports with individual weight sensitive perches. The positioning encourages smaller songbirds to eat, but prevents all squirrels from feeding. Each perch is individually sprung and calibrated for birds up to the weight of approximately 2 ounces. The metal cap prevents squirrels from reaching seed from the feeder top. An internal baffle design keeps seed flowing freely to the ports. The clear feeder reservoir is made of UV stabilized polycarbonate for long lasting durability without yellowing. The cap and feeder base are burgundy powder coated metal. Hang the Dipper from its looped stainless steel wire for secure hanging and to reduce motion.
Birds that use this feeder: Chickadees, finches, goldfinches, juncos, kinglets, nuthatches, redpolls, siskins, sparrows, titmice, woodpeckers, and wrens 4. Droll Yankees Yankee Flipper Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
The Yankee Flipper is the definitive squirrel proof bird feeder. Birds love to eat from it, but grey squirrels are prevented from eating from it in a way that will make you smile. The weight activated feeding perch is calibrated to react to a squirrel's weight. When a squirrel steps on the perch, a connection is made with a motor that makes the perch spin, and the squirrel is flipped off the feeder. The metal cap prevents squirrels from reaching seed from the feeder top. An internal baffle design keeps seed flowing freely to the ports. The clear feeder reservoir is made of UV stabilized polycarbonate for long lasting durability without yellowing. The cap and feeder base are green powder coated metal. The motor and batteries are encased to protect them from moisture. Easily turn the feeder on and off with the knob on the battery pack. Hang the Flipper from its looped stainless steel wire for secure hanging and to reduce motion. The unit comes equipped with rechargeable battery unit and a battery charger.
Birds that use this feeder: Cardinals, chickadees, finches, flickers, goldfinches, grackles, grosbeaks, jays, juncos, kinglets, mockingbirds, nuthatches, redpolls, siskins, sparrows, starlings, titmice, woodpeckers, and wrens Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders